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Tilt Proof - Part 2

TILT PROOF – Part 2, How to manage your emotions.

Following Part I, TILT has been referred as the negative emotional reaction to a stressor and we also know that athletes that are intrinsically motivated are in love with their sport and are happy to strive for perfection, while athletes who are in a slump or sad might suffer from burnout and quit the sport forever (Stefanek & Peters, 2011).

Therefore, Part II aim to explore what are emotions and how those can be manged in order for athlete to not suffer from burnout and keep playing their favourite games.

Physical and physiological reactions to emotions are innate in humans accordingly to the evolutionary theory (Darwin, 1896). Emotions are also distinct, high intensity and short in duration (lasting around 90 seconds) involving subjective, physiological, cognitive, and behavioural action(s) that prepare individuals to respond adaptively (behavioural impact) to external or internal events (event focus) for physical and/or social survival (Keltner et al., 2019, Scherer, 2005).

There are two types of emotional management: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal.

Intrapersonal emotion management has been defined as the automatic or deliberate use of strategies to initiate, maintain, modify, or display emotions (Lane et al., 2012), while interpersonal emotion management is referred to deliberate and non-deliberate behavioural display which influence others’ emotions (Niven et al., 2009) at any given time (pre-during-post performance).

Considering the meta-analysis conducted by Webb et al., (2012), it is possible to manage emotion via attentional deployment (distraction vs concentration), cognitive change (re-appraisal, acceptance/mindfulness) and response modulation (suppression of the emotion).

In summary, players can use:

1. Attentional Deployment: Shift their focus through distraction or concentration techniques. Distraction can help them temporarily divert their attention from stressors, while concentration techniques can help maintain a narrow focus on the task at hand.

2. Cognitive Change: This involves altering the interpretation of a situation. Re-appraisal, which involves changing the way a player thinks about an event, can help reduce the emotional impact of stressors. Acceptance and mindfulness techniques can also be useful in dealing with negative emotions.

3. Response Modulation: Players can suppress or control their emotional reactions to maintain focus and composure. This can be particularly effective in high-pressure situations, allowing them to perform at their best.

Have you tried any of these techniques? Let me know in The Robins Discord!


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